Yoshiki high school


1987-2 Kamikita
Hida bity
Gifu Prefecture


E The number of students is 480.
E Yoshiki high school has two courses|`general course' and `science and mathematics' course.
E Yoshiki high school is surrounded by forest. It is a good environment for us to study.
E Hakuyou Sai|the school festival and the ball|game tournaments are held every year.
E Many students go to university, and school clubs are also very active. We try our best to balance club activities with study.

Yoshiki high school is loved by people who live in our area.

Earth science club in Yoshiki high school

What is earth science?
It is a general term of natural science whose object of study is the earth. Earth science is covers geology, geophysics, mineralogy, petrology, meteorology, oceanography and paleontology.

Our research activities are carried out mainly in rooms of earth science and biology. We assemble data which we can get through research and also write papers about earth science. We are now researching Typhoon No.23, which hit our area in 2004. And we are also continuing researching macro anomaly using a catfish and a hamster.


Year 2003 Research on growth of crystal of stalagmite and ice

Year 2002 Research on terrestrial heat of Hida area

Year 2001 Research on earthquake prediction in Hida area

Year 2000 Research on the disaster for localized heavy rain in 1999

Year 1999 Research on a sound that travels though the Furukawa Basin

Year 1998 Research on natural radiation in Hida area

Year 1996 Research on an optics phenomenon in Hida area
Research on a mirage in inland basins in Hida area
Research on ice

Year 1995 Research on run of the river Araki

Year 1994 Verification of the Kepler's low using a broadcasting satellite

Year 1993 Disclosing identity of a morning mist

Year 1992 Research on a plane distribution of temperature
in the Furukawa Basin

Year 1991 Research on range and atmospheric pressure at basins
in Hida area

Year 1990 Research on range at basins in Hida area PartU

Year 1989 Research on range at basins in Hida area PartT

Year 1988 Research on a vertical distribution of temperature
at basins in Hida area

Year 1987 Research on a morning mist in Hida area PartV

Year 1986 Research on a morning mist in Hida area PartU

Year 1985 Research on a morning mist in Hida area PartT

Year 1984 Research on inland basins in Hida area PartX

Year 1983 Research on inland basins in Hida area PartW

Year 1982 Research on inland basins in Hida area PartV

Year 1981 Research on inland basins in Hida area PartU

Year 1980 Research on inland basins in Hida area PartT

Year 1979 Research on change of weather in Hida area PartU

Year 1978 Observation of an underground electrical current
at the fault in Atotsugawa

Year 1977 Research on Hida-Tennsei Marsh PartU